Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Bottle Time!

Look.... Ahhh, Lets be clear here... I love Elena. (that’s my Obama Hussein impression)
But I must be honest with you – this bottle feeding routine has yet to become the father/daughter bonding moment I envisioned. We definitely have had our moments and when they do come it is like angels coming down from heaven -but as of late, the angels haven't been doing much fly'n.  I really don’t understand why we aren't connecting?  I want her to eat and I know she’s hungry,  yet when I place the bottle in her mouth no milk is getting in the tummy. In fact, most of it ends up on me. 

I’m honestly giving it an A+ effort. I’m Googling tips and tricks, listening to any advice I can get - dimming the lights, putting on soft music, warming the milk, twisting the bottle, tickling it in her mouth, sticking it in my mouth to demonstrate how to do it (jk)....but it’s just not taking. I sense she is going to learn to crawl any day now just so when she sees me coming around the corner with that bottle she can take off and hide.

She even has gotten much better using her hands. She is literally pushing the bottle away from her mouth and I swear, don’t quote me, but I think she gave me the finger last night.

It’s been tough though. I spend all day away from her at work and all I want to do when I come back home is chill out with her.
(and play PS3...jk..kinda) Instead it’s like a title fight. Every feeding ending with both of us crying....and sometimes Mary.

I’m sure tomorrow will be better.
I know you don’t believe me Elena – but I do love you.  

Now, who's Hungry?

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