Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I know a little bit if regressing is normal, but come on!

Elena has regressed quite a bit. She was potty trained since the Spring, but now is back in diapers. She had one of the best verbal skills from any kid her age that we know, but now loves baby talking. She even insists that she takes a bath in the baby bath! (We nipped this one in the bud, luckily). Recently we brought in the Excersaucer from the attic for Evelyn. She loves it, but Elena decided to kick Evie out of the toy, so she could give it a whirl!

5 Months already?

I can't believe that Evie is past the 5 month mark! She is able to sit up on her own now with a bit of support from the boppy. She is such a happy baby, and loves giving kisses... We haven't started food yet. She is such a chub and is sleeping through the night for the most part, that the doctor said that we can wait if we want :o) She is in the 95th percentile for length & weight, which is so different then Elena, but other then that they are starting to look exactly alike!


Christmas was really special this year. Not only was is Evelyn's first, but Elena was so fun this Christmas with the whole Santa thing. She was so excited about Santa and the buildup to Christmas. As cheesy as it sounds, it was all so magical for her! After the Xmas Eve service we went to Aunt Megans house and that was great.... fancy dresses, fancy food, and fun. That night Elena did not fight us about going to bed, she knew that Santa would not come if she was awake. She was exhausted from the day, so she fell asleep quickly. I wish we had our camera for her reaction to the gifts (don't ask). I told her Santa came, she acted really surprised and said "He did??!" and then when she turned the corner and saw the tree she said "OH MY GOSH, Santa Came!!!" It was really really cute.

Our first Christmas, AWE (sigh)... Let's hold hands, ok?

And so it begins... Matching dresses for Holidays

Making Cookies

What is the holidays with out Christmas cookies. Elena baked them with Daddy, since Mama doesn't have a clue about baking ;o)