Sunday, August 14, 2011

Evelyn's FIRST Bath

The time had come for Evie's first bath. She didn't love it, but hopefully next bath will be more relaxing for all of us. I must say that giving a newborn a bath is not my favorite thing to do. They are usually crying hysterically, we am paranoid about the water temp, and when it is all over it is hard to get their slippery, floppy body out of the bath and then you are racing to get them dressed and warm. Luckily we all survived the first bath. We know she will be a fan when she is older.

Budda milk belly!

Can we hurry this up, mom?!!! Get me out of here!

Finally all warm!

Wild Summer Nights at the Zoo

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dealing with it fine....

What are you talking about?
I don't need any more attention than I had before Evelyn entered the picture...that's nonsense. I love having a baby sister. NOW, stop whatever it is you're doing (especially if it's dealing with that baby) and LISTEN TO ME SING!!!

I didn't put on this princess dress, make-up and bunny ears for nothing.
Open your eyes and ears..... it's LENI TIME!!!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

The Dale Family.... Chill'n

E is for Elena and Evelyn


How lucky is Evelyn... not only does she come into this world with two awesome parents : ) she is also blessed with the bestest big sister in the whole wide world! Words can not describe how cute Elena was. Already having one daughter added a whole new and touching thrill to having baby 2. It was SOOOOO fun and exciting watching Elena meet and hold Evelyn for the very first time. She was so excited...we were so excited. We've been reading tons of big sister books to get Leni prepared, but you just don't know how that first meet and greet will actually go down. It could not of gone any better - Elena's first words: "I'm your big sister now". OMG... too cute! She wanted to hold her, kiss her and take care of her. It really is going to be so special watching them grow up together and become the best of friends (who I'm confident will eventually gang up on their parents, scream that we don't understand them and take full control of the household)


July seemed to be a tough time to have a baby for a number of being: it's a popular month for vacations, out-of-town weddings etc. Luckily for us, the stars aligned and EVERYONE in our immediate family was ready to hop to the hospital at a moments notice. It was so nice being able to have Mary's parents (who live in Ohio) make the trip through the night to be there to see her just prior to "push" mode....way to hold her in Mary! Thank you to all our wonderful family AND friends for visiting and supporting us!... and SPECIAL thanks to Sue for waking up to our 2AM "It's Baby Time" call to rush over to our house and stay with Elena while we headed over to hospital (We need to snap a pic with you and the babe). Elena and Evelyn are so lucky to have so many special people in their lives to love and support them - Thank you.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Happy BIRTHday baby Evelyn Rose Dale aka "Evie"

  • Born July 27, 2011 at 9:25am.
  • 8lbs 2 oz...21 inches long
  • 10 fingers, 10 long toes, brown hair, blue eyes, no eyebrows and one scrunched ear

Evelyn starting knocking on the door late Tuesday 7/26 night around 2AM... WHY?

WELL, earlier that evening Mom was pretty much done being pregnant. It was hot, muggy, she felt huge and was ready for this baby to be out! So, she does what every full term pregnant momma does (and what no licensed medical doctor advises) and heads straight to BuffaloWildWings to pound 12 HOT SPICY MANGO HABANERO traditional wings....that's right, just shy of the tip of the heat scale/"BLAZEN." She also had some chili cheesy buffalo chips, celery, Elena's corndog and a few spicy garlic wings. But hey, back off! - she's pregnant/eating for two! (I've learned to just keep quiet and marvel at the amount of's actually quiet impressive). So, we finish up at BW's and walk outside for a little walk - what's right there shinning in the setting sunlight? A Cupcake Station - so what do I hear: "I want a cupcake"... of course you do - you have to have desert, right?

Anyways... who could survive that? Evie was like: "ok, ok, ok...screw this, 39 weeks is plenty....I'm getting out of here!"

A few hours later we were at the hospital. We arrived around 3AM (which means a whole night of no sleep..arg) Mary started pushing around 8am. Evie was in our arms at 9:30AM. IT WAS AMAZING! I don't know if it's because of my relationship/love with Elena or what, but I was so much more emotional this round. There she was, my 2nd little angel, just all of sudden looking at me saying "ok, not bad, could be worse". She is perfect! She is healthy! She is our new baby girl, Elena's new baby sister.

What a blessing! Can't wait for you all to meet her!
More details to come...